Leadership On Your Time

For leaders who want training on-the-go, Leadership on Your Time is the perfect fit. This specific corner of our on-demand education offers specialized leadership training that fits your schedule. Offerings include Del Gilbert's "Leadership & Management Excellence Series," among other programs that are regularly being developed and added. 



Take These Trainings Here.


Our Current On-Demand Leadership Trainings Include:

How To Be the Best Boss Your Employees Ever Had

Great managers are a combination of warmth and strength. They are great at providing both positive feedback and corrective feedback. It is the managers job to create an environment that increase employee enthusiasm and commitment. One of the most powerful ways to create a positive work environment and increase retention is providing positive feedback for work well done.

Leadership & Management Excellence: Employee Engagement

 Many organizations seek to retain employees by continually adding perks. But according to Gallup Research, 70% of an employee’s engagement is determined by their relationship with their direct supervisor. This session focuses on how a manager can increase employee enthusiasm, commitment, and enthusiasm.

Leadership & Management Excellence: Employee Accountability

One person can’t make a team, but one person can break a team. Poor performers have a negative effect on an organization’s work culture and reputation. Using Del’s D-I-R-E-C-T Model of Corrective Feedback, you will learn a step-by-step approach to handling difficult conversations with competence and confidence.

Leadership & Management Excellence: Building Harmony

In every organization there is internal competition, department silos, and interpersonal conflict. In this session, you will learn a practical approach to conflict management so you can be a ‘bridge builder’ and create a workplace where everyone is working together.

Leadership & Management Excellence: Hire Smart

Getting the right people on board is one of the most important responsibilities of a manager. However, most organizations have an undisciplined and unfocused approach to hiring people. In this session you will learn to how conduct a thorough interview, select a solid candidate, and get them started strong during orientation.

Leadership & Management Excellence: Service Excellence

Customer service today is hit or miss. Some team members deliver excellent service and others don’t. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Your goal is to create an environment where every team member provides exceptional service. In this session, you will learn how to build a culture of service excellence.

Leadership & Management Excellence: Emotional & Relational Intelligence

Technical skills get you in game, but relational skills enable you to win the game. The higher up in the organization you go, the more important interpersonal skills are. In this session, you will learn how to make your emotions work for, rather than against, you. You will also learn how to establish positive relationships and connect with others in a meaningful way.

Leadership & Management Excellence: Personal Effectiveness & Replenishment

We all have too much to do and too little time to do it in. The result is being overwhelmed, stressed, and doing things at the last minute. But you can have your act together, stay ahead of things, and feel fulfilled. In this session, you will learn to clarify your highest priorities, work in a meaningful way, and live on purpose.


Questions about Center for Leadership or a specific program? Contact our team:

Stephanie Gfeller

Director of Professional Development & Leadership

[email protected]

Kylee Childs

Director of Government Affairs

[email protected]

Nicole Schings

Director of Membership & Business Development

[email protected]

 Addy Mead

Administrative Coordinator

[email protected]