Frequently Asked Questions
Q – How can I become a member of KING? A – KING offers workers compensation coverage for qualifying members of Leading Age Kansas. Potential members must complete an application and submit a five year loss report and annual estimated payroll by rate classification. Additionally, an on-site loss control visit will take place to evaluate your physical plant and current loss prevention programs. Qualifying members will be invited to become a member and a quote will be offered. Q – How is KING different from traditional or other commercial workers compensation coverage? A – KING is a group-funded pool that offers only workers compensation coverage to members of LeadingAge Kansas. Formed under Kansas Laws, KING is regulated by the Kansas Insurance Department. Because KING offers coverage to only Kansas non-profit nursing homes, retirement communities and other elder care organizations, loss control and claims management is focused on our specific and unique needs. As a pool, members can be assessed if any specific policy year produces losses much greater than premiums collected. This has never happened with KING. Also, pool members benefit from the receipt of dividends should the Board of Trustees declare the release of unused premium with the approval of the Commissioner of Insurance. Qualifying KING members have received over $6 million in dividends. Q – What loss control services are available to members? A – KING provides loss prevention services and consultation to all members by a professional expert. A specific loss control plan is tailored for members based upon a variety of needs and trends. Occasionally in-service training on a specific topic may be provided based upon availability. Additionally, regional loss control seminars are offered for all members.