LeadingAge Kansas Benefits of Membership with sunflowers


Benefit of Membership: Center for Leadership

Visit the Center for Leadership Home Page.

Leadership Fellowship 

Our year-long leadership intensive is focused on helping leaders discover their authentic selves, lead through community relationships and advocacy, lead through change, and lead and empower others. This program combines in-person workshops, small group virtual learning, readings, leadership coaching, and an action learning project to both challenge and support the growth of leaders.

LeadingVoice: Advocacy Bootcamp 

LeadingVoice Advocacy Bootcamp was developed to empower grassroots advocates for aging services in Kansas. The in-person training is offered bi-annually and is available to any individual in an aging services role or educational program and interested in enhancing their advocacy skills. The program is open to current and new advocates alike!    

Leadership Lite 

Leadership Lite provides bitesize leadership learning opportunities and resources designed to use for personal growth or with your team.  Opportunities include workshops, conference sessions, webinars, and on-site training. These offerings are ideal for those unable to take part in the Fellowship or for individuals who are just beginning their leadership journey. 

Leadership On Your Time

Leadership On Your Time is housed within our on-demand learning platform and provides leadership and management courses and series to foster individual and team growth at the learner's convenience

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